TAPPING WORLD SUMMIT - 27th February 2023

Watch me on Day 5 discussing how to use Tapping for Tricky Relationships. It’s free to register!


What is 'tapping?' 

Tapping refers to a set of techniques that works on the body's meridian (energy) system to relieve blocks that can cause emotional distress, physical issues and anxiety.  

Originating as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and often referred to as “psychological acupressure”, tapping is a simple process of physically tapping on a series of acupressure points with your fingertips as you focus on your issue or problem – be it physical or emotional. 

To download a pdf with tips click here: TAPPING TIPS

Tapping is simple, highly effective and easy to learn. Having first learned it in 1999, I am one of the most experienced practitioners in Australia and I am grateful it has been a part of my practice for almost my entire career.

I have taught hundreds - if not thousands! - of clients use it to help problems such as:  

  • relief of panic attacks, general anxiety and phobias

  • public speaking confidence

  • improvements to physical health - such as IBS, physical pain

  • healing from past trauma - such as sexual assault

  • quitting smoking

  • an increase in self-confidence in relationships and career

  • help in social situations for the anxious person

  • relief for emotional eating/poor habits

  • fertility anxiety

  • to help children - e.g. car sickness, worry about school, sleeping issues.

Benefits of tapping

I love tapping for so many reasons, including the fact it is simple to learn and use and it works! 

Some other benefits of tapping are:

  • The results are usually rapid, long-lasting and gentle

  • No drugs or equipment involved – it is no-risk to try it

  • It is easily learned by anyone

  • Can be self-applied anytime, anywhere

  • Works even if you don’t believe in it

How do I do it?

The tapping technique is simply a process of stimulating (ideally tapping, but massaging or touching is OK too) energy meridian points on your face and body, using two fingers to tap around the points. You can tap in any order you like, however when you are first learning it is probably helpful to follow the sequence in the picture below - start at the eyebrow point and work your way around (finishing with the top of head point), tapping each point for a few seconds continually before moving onto the next one.

When you have completed one round, keep going around the points, again and again, tapping for as long as you can/need.

I often suggest to my clients to set the timer in their mobile phone for between 5-10 minutes and tap around and around for this amount of time, focusing their mind and body on what's bothering them the most.

The points are the same points an acupuncturist might use, but with tapping, there are no needles involved. You are stimulating the points with your fingertips, you can also massage or 'hold' the points with great effect.

Typically the points on the face will resolve the issue quicker than the finger points, however, the finger points are fantastic for ‘continual tapping’, a technique developed by Dr David Lake and Steve Wells as a part of SET. 

Continual tapping

Dr. David Lake came up with the concept of tapping on the finger points using the thumb of the same hand. Basically, you tap on all of the fingers using the thumb of the same hand going up and down as many times as you like. This is a very user-friendly version of tapping because it is very discreet and can be used in public places easily. It is also a good one to do when you are out and about and/or waiting – for a coffee, on hold, in a traffic jam, going for a walk, even watching TV – knowing that you are doing some good for your energy system.

There seems to be some correlation between the amount of tapping you do and the relief of problems, the more the merrier, and finger tapping is a great way to relieve your energy system.   It is also a really useful way to break the pattern of unwanted behaviours – for example, smoking, drinking too much coffee, thinking about something over and over. Just add continual tapping to whatever it is you want to change and over a period of time (try a month), see if there’s a difference.  

To download a copy of my tips on tapping click here: 


My own experience

I first learned tapping back in 1999 when I was a psychologist at TAFE. We had professional development sessions every year and one year a presenter talked about this energy technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).

I had never heard of such a thing and although I found the session helpful and interesting, I quickly went onto the next topic, always eager to learn new ideas (I'm a curious Gemini!) and didn't think of tapping again.

Until about 2-3 months later I had to have some surgery, and in the recovery phase, I experienced a lot of pain. One day about two weeks after the surgery, I had visited the surgeon who had stirred things up for me. I was sitting there dejected, frustrated and in lots of pain when tapping popped into my head. I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a go.

What happened next amazed me, in that I could do the post-surgical procedure I had to do COMPLETELY PAIN-FREE!!! I was stunned. I hadn't been tapping since the workshop, I hadn't thought of tapping, and now I had an undeniable instant experience of tapping taking away my very real physical pain. I was hooked.

So once I'd bounced back, I did some more training with Dr. David Lake and Steve Wells and began using it with clients, feeling confident to try it as I knew it wouldn't do any harm.

Eventually using tapping became part of the reason I branched out into private practice back in 2004, because I wanted to explore the depths and heights of what it could do for my clients with freedom, and I have been continually delighted ever since with what it can do.

I can talk about many examples of how tapping has helped me and my clients over the past decade and a half, but being such an experiential tool it is important to try it for yourself and test it out in various situations - e.g. public speaking, facing a fear or phobia, sleeping routines.

If you would like to learn to tap, typically one session will cover the basics and allow you to use it for yourself, however, If you would like to process deeper issues related to your beliefs, anxiety or other difficulties, this would take longer.

I truly consider tapping a tool for life; I love teaching it to people as I know I am equipping them with something that will gently, safely, simply and effectively help them to navigate their life with one of the best tools around.

If you would like to equip yourself with tapping, contact Jacqui